ARCH300 - Assignment 1: The Holocaust Museum

From the assignment sheet:
Over the next eight weeks, you will use the city as your laboratory, as you search to observe and understand the fabric of the city of Washington, DC. These observations will take place at a variety of scales: the scale of the city, the scale of buildings and spaces and the scale of the detail. For this assignment, each student will be required to select at least seven drawings from the following list. You must select at least two drawings from each scale/category listed below. For the seventh drawing (and beyond) you may select from any of the three scales. Following each location is a list of the type of drawing required for that space. We will discuss these drawing types in class but you should be sure to ask your TA or Professor Geiss if you have questions about the type of drawing you should produce or if you have difficulty locating the space you are trying to find.
The Holocaust Museum was to be drawn at the detail scale.
